
The Lew Rockwell Show, Podcast 8: Hans-Hermann Hoppe & Lew Rockwell, The Scam Called the State, http://www.lewrockwell.com/podcast/?p=episode&name=2008-07-29_008_the_scam_called_the_state.mp3
Kościół, ukazując powołanie małżonków do przeżywania aktu seksualnego jako spotkania z Bogiem, w wyjątkowy sposób podnosi jego godność. Ludzki akt miłości staje się święty obecnością Boga. To sakramentalne spotkanie z Jezusem Chrystusem wynosi małżonków ku niebu: uszlachetnia, oczyszcza, uświęca miłość ludzką.
[P]ożycie seksualne nie jest tylko aktem biologicznym, bo tak myślą ludzie przesiąknięci laicką kulturą. Akt seksualny małżonków angażuje również duchowy wymiar człowieka. [...] Staje się aktem w pełni ludzkim, gdy wyraża miłość coraz bardziej będącą darem z siebie, gdy odbywa się w małżeństwie „na dobre i na złe”, aż do końca życia.
Znak obecności Boga pośród kochających się małżonków jest bardzo konkretny i wyraźny i, co najważniejsze, pokazuje, że Bóg może działać w każdej chwili małżeńskiego życia. Taki znak tworzą sami małżonkowie poprzez swoje ciała. Jest to znak żywy. Cielesna bliskość małżonków tworzy widzialny znak ich wspólnoty, która jest powołana do stania się znakiem miłości i jedności. Małżonkowie tworzą znak obecności Boga, gdy są cieleśnie razem – gdy razem żyją pod jednym dachem, a nie są rozdzieleni przez wyjazd jednego z nich do pracy za granicę, gdy razem się modlą, gdy rozmawiają ze sobą, gdy pomagają sobie w codziennym życiu, choćby sprzątając mieszkanie, gdy się wspierają, pocieszają, gdy obdarzają się czułością, pieszczą się, współżyją seksualnie (śpią w jednym łóżku). Ten znak wymaga wypełnienia duchowego, aby był znakiem miłości, aby cielesne bycie razem stało się komunią – wspólnotą prawdziwej jedności małżeńskiej – duszą, sercem i ciałem.
Gdy małżonkowie umieją w wierze zinterpretować swoją miłość, wtedy jej różnorodne przejawy wyrażone poprzez ciało (pomoc, modlitwa, rozmowa, pieszczota, akt seksualny) stają się dla nich znakami sakramentalnymi, czyli znakami, poprzez które mogą rozpoznać obecność Boga przychodzącego do nich. Gdy żona czuje się kochana przez męża, może powiedzieć, że przez jego miłość (wyrażoną poprzez jego męskie ciało) sam Bóg przychodzi do niej i objawia jej swoją Miłość. Jeżeli mąż czuje się kochany przez żonę, to może uznać, że jest ona dla niego prawdziwym darem Boga, poprzez który Bóg zapewnia Go o swojej miłości i trosce. Miłości towarzyszy często krzyż, ale i on staje się drogą oczyszczenia człowieka i nauczenia go miłości.
Gdy patrzymy na małżeństwo z perspektywy odkupienia, wierzymy, że odkrycie tak rozumianego powołania jest zamysłem pełnego miłości i mądrości Boga. Tylko ta perspektywa budzi szacunek dla najstarszego powołania na świecie, objawionego ludziom już w raju.
Ksawery Knotz OFMCap, Obrona wiary katolickiej czy negacja sakramentu małżeństwa?, http://www.mateusz.pl/wdrodze/nr418/04.htm

I always want to add a prefix to this scrawl. "EDUCATE THE MASSES AND THEN smash the state".
I always come back to the phrase "IDEAS ARE ALSO WEAPONS" which in this context is best summed up in this excerpt from Voluntary Resistance (By Carl Watner) "Public buildings may be destroyed, public officials murdered, but such efforts will never bring about the destruction of the idea of the State. The State is a state of mind, an idea which cannot be harmed by violence. Ideas can only be attacked with better ideas." And we desperately need to use our public spaces to communicate such ideas.
Russell Higgs, Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will, http://www.flickr.com/photos/russell-higgs/227156040/
My blog gets its name from 1984, where Orwell painted perhaps one of the most fundamental necessities to freedom. "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four." Why is this important? Because it encompasses three necessities to freedom - the freedom to think the truth, to speak the truth, and to act on the truth.
How can one understand anything, for example, in a world where every answer is considered possible, and there are no wrong answers to questions, only different perspectives. Well, here's what I have to say: the freedom to be wrong is worthless without the freedom to be correct.
[J]ust because the majority has been convinced that 2 + 2 = 5, doesn't mean that I will silence my protests. I will continue to fight for 4 that I may remain free, and that I may inspire others to speak for the truth, and to act on it.
Alex Ramos, 2 + 2 = 4, http://freedom224.blogspot.com/2007/01/2-2-4.html

This document is intended to summarize the key backstory information behind the Deus Ex universe. It is comprised mostly of excerpts from the design documents of Deus Ex 1, with a few additions and modifications for the sake of maintaining consistency with the final game.
[M]uch of the backstory detailed below never made it into the final game. Some of the events described were intended to be missions (Texas, the space station, moon base, Mt. Weather; etc.), and a lot of that content either doesn't appear in Deus Ex or does so in glancing, fragmentary ways.
The year is 2052 and the world is an even more dangerous and chaotic place than it is today. Terrorists operate openly, killing thousands; drugs, disease, pollution and, of course, El Nino kill even more. The world's economies are close to collapse and the gap between the insanely wealthy and the desperately poor has grown to the size of the Grand Canyon. The media openly encourage the worst in mankind. Still, this is not just Another Grim Dystopic Post-Apocalyptic World™. Deus Ex is set "10 minutes before the apocalypse." There is still hope.
In the largest urban areas of the world . . . life is grim. A growing variety of drugs offers pleasure and ensures suffering to an ever larger user-base. Crime has become a larger problem than ever. At street level, cities like New York and Paris are little more than armed compounds where drug dealers and users prey on the powerless and vie with the poor for access to scant resources. The most committed among the urban rich have moved up or in, to the tops of whatever skyscrapers remain standing or to protected enclaves in places like New York's Central Park.
The government's main role seems to be to prevent the chaos of the streets from reaching the wealthy elite. The police become more and more aggressive (and less concerned with individual rights) with each passing day. . . . Supermarkets still offer food (though the selection may be limited and barter may work better than paper money).
Increasing terrorism is a matter of serious concern to both the urban rich, who look down on the world from on high, and to the suburbanites, who live in blessed isolation. In small, gated communities of luxurious single-family dwellings, life is good. These communities are often surrounded by somewhat larger developments constructed for support personnel. The gated communities are well-defended and tough to get into (unless you have appropriate clearance) and tougher still to survive in if you don't belong. Though most of the luxury communities are ultramodern, some are constructed to resemble medieval castles (which is, basically, what they are).
The key thing to realize about the world is that it is very much a world of "Haves" and "Have Nots." There's almost no middle class left. There's little left of the American Dream anywhere in the world. The rich and powerful are on top of the world. The poor and downtrodden live largely without hope of bettering their lot. The shrinking middle class lives under the control of governments (and conspirators it doesn't even know about).
[In the world of Deus Ex there are] three types of humans:
America is in a constant state of tension. The borders are guarded by the Armed Forces, customs is deadly serious, immigration laws have been tightened dramatically, and nationwide martial law seems imminent.
For well over a hundred years, Europe had been under the economic influence of the Illuminati (through the Bilderberg Group) and later became a financial satellite of Majestic 12 (think the European Monetary Union happened spontaneously?) Control of Europe's finances became a reality in 2003 when, following national elections, the UK adopted the European standard currency. With that event and the fall of NATO, the leaders of the conspiracy were able to turn economic control into political control.
Still, Majestic 12's influence is not all encompassing. Despite the collapse of NATO, the powers that be are still in the process of assembling a new coalition of nations. Meanwhile, the rise of chaos and civil war has fragmented the nations of Europe and made Majestic 12's goal of unification under a single coalition umbrella more difficult to achieve than expected.
Other than Mexico . . . South America hasn't changed much since the turn of the century. If anything, the continent is, as a whole, more prosperous than in the past. Though business is booming (much of it illegitimate) South America remains as fragmented in the 2050's as it was a hundred years earlier. Governments turn over regularly, through coup or election, but the average citizen who survived the ravages of disease hardly notices the difference. The poor remain desperately poor, the rich obscenely rich. It's as if government is irrelevant, as if some other force remains consistent though politicians come and go.
The African continent is beginning to emerge as a place of growth and change.
Over the last fifty years, many Hong Kong expatriates have moved to Africa, resulting in the establishment of thriving Afro-Asian communities. (Afro-Asian chic is spreading rapidly through the worlds of pop culture and fashion). Though it will never displace Hong Kong, the New Hong Kong section of Lagos, Nigeria, is one of the continent's most active, successful and chaotic cities -- not unlike Casablanca during World War 2.
Aside from a few small pockets of freedom (described as "anarchy" in Majestic 12 propaganda), like Lagos, Africa is almost entirely under the thumb of the conspirators as the game begins.
Essentially untouched by world events, China has emerged as a world leader, supplanting the United States and Europe as centers of education and industry.
Hong Kong, though a part of the Chinese/Majestic 12 empire, remains more chaotic than one might think. Though repression is extreme, the urge for freedom is strong and thriving black markets keep Hong Kong's tradition of free trade and entrepreneurism alive and well.
The Middle East has long been under the control of the Illuminati, and later, Majestic 12. These groups held the reins on international terrorists based in the region, and the Bilderberg Group controlled the oil companies that had a stranglehold on the regions finances.
With the successful pan-Arab invasion of Israel in 2022, Majestic 12 control of the region is total.
As far as life on other planets goes, we still haven't encountered any, at least none that can be acknowledged publicly -- rumors continue to abound that we were visited by aliens a century or more ago and the governments of the world are keeping it secret.
For centuries, the Illuminati pursued a plan to bring the world to its knees, and at long last, create One World Government. Over those hundreds of years, it grew, changed, added arms, subtracted arms, adapted to changing times, and made itself a driving force behind nearly every major event.
The Bilderberg Group controlled financial matters around the world through vast mining operations, control over the Federal Reserve Board, the Eurobank and the World Bank as well as through its stranglehold on the world's supply of gold.
Majestic 12 was the Illuminati's technology and communications leader. It doles out technological advances and stores those the world is not yet ready for (or those too powerful to give to potential enemies). It controls the supply of drugs -- licit and illicit and can introduce new diseases as it wishes (diseases for which it already has a cure ready and waiting, of course). Majestic 12 is also charged with influencing and, where possible, managing the world's intelligence organizations.
Satellite communications (phones, intercontinental computer links, television, etc.) proved little challenge -- other than some pirates, all of the media are under the control of Majestic 12. The Internet, particularly Internet 3, proved dicier. In this arena, Majestic 12 set up vast monitoring operations and used inefficient, old-fashioned strong-arm techniques to shut down content providers large and small who posted things they didn't want posted. Many a poster simply disappeared after a handful of dangerous messages.
These methods were effective only when Majestic-12 was prepared to expend significant resources over extended periods of time. They needed something better, more automated, more fundamental to the underlying communications grid. To this end, they created the Aquinas Protocol, a TCP/IP-like low-level packet-routing scheme. Through great media fanfare and government backing, they were able to build Aquinas into the backbone of almost every digital network on the planet, allowing them to physically route all global communications through a massive monitoring station underground at Area 51. Morpheus (still functioning at Everett's hideout in Paris), Daedelus, and finally Helios are successively more advanced manifestations of the automated surveillance, prediction, and enforcement made possible by Aquinas.
When Daedelus [A.I.] began sifting through the information on the Majestic 12 net, it quickly discovered two things of significance:
As similar as they are, J.C. and Paul have very different personalities -- Paul's more flamboyant, more out-going and far less serious. J.C. Denton worries a lot that his older brother, sharp as he is, will get himself in trouble someday because he isn't paranoid enough.
Deus Ex Team, DX1 Continuity Bible, http://archive.gamespy.com/articles/april02/dxbible/

Msgr. Camille Perl, Vice President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei (PCED) has recently responded with a letter dated May 23, 2008, to questions I invoked regarding the official canonical status of the Society of St. Pius X and those Catholics who attend their chapels to fulfill their Sunday obligation.
[Msgr. Camille Perl wrote:] Statements made by Cardinal Castrillón need to be understood in a technical, canonical sense. Stating that the Society of St. Pius X "is not in formal schism" is to say that there has been no official declaration on the part of the Holy See that the Society of St. Pius X is in schism. Up to now, the Church has sought to show the maximum charity, courtesy and consideration to all those involved with the hope that such a declaration will not eventually be necessary.
[T]he Masses offered by the priests of the Society of St. Pius X are valid, but illicit, i.e., contrary to Canon Law. The Sacraments of Penance and Matrimony, however, require that the priest enjoys the faculties of the diocese or has proper delegation. Since that is not the case with these priests, these sacraments are invalid.
While it is true that participation in the Mass at chapels of the Society of St. Pius X does not of itself constitute "formal adherence to the schism" (cf. Ecclesia Dei 5, c), such adherence can come about over a period of time as one slowly imbibes a schismatic mentality which separates itself from the teaching of the Supreme Pontiff and the entire Catholic Church. While we hope and pray for a reconciliation with the Society of St. Pius X, the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" cannot recommend that members of the faithful frequent their chapels . . . We deeply regret this situation and pray that soon a reconciliation of the Society of St. Pius X with the Church may come about, but until such time the explanations which we have given remain in force.
As we already stated to you in our letter of 4 July 2007: "This Pontifical Commission does its best to transmit responses which are in full accord with the magisterium and the present canonical practices of the Catholic Church. One should accept them with docility and can act upon them with moral certainty." We would further add that no dicastery of the Holy See will give other responses than those which we have given here.
Brian Mershon, PCED confirms officially: Society of St. Pius X within the Church, not in formal schism; Catholics commit no sin nor incur any canonical penalty for Mass attendance, http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/mershon/080711

I want to state that I do not condemn the position of the SSPX since it was our own position for 20 years. During most of these years, it is my opinion that I, personally, and traditional Catholics in general, tended to live a 'Practical Sedevacantist Catholicism'.
This means living the Catholic faith as if there were no Pope or hierarchy to whom we were bound to be submissive and from whom we were bound to receive authorisation for our activities. It is when we accept that he is the Pope in name alone, but practically we reduce his authority over us to nearly nothing at all. For example, when the Archbishop consecrated the four bishops against the explicit will of Pope John Paul II. I think that this was 'Practical Sedevacantist Catholicism' in action. When Catholic life had come to this state, jurisdiction is not even an issue. The issue was living to survive the madness that was infesting the Church. Was 'Practical Sedevacantist Catholicism' right or wrong? I cannot answer and I do not judge it. It was the way many of us survived.
From the moment one recognises Benedict XVI as truly the Pope, 'Practical Sedevacantist Catholicism' gives way to 'Practical Papal Catholicism'; it is inevitable. Even though there be a war raging about us in the Church, we still have to make the move towards the Barque of Peter by abandoning 'practical Sedevacantist Catholicism' for 'Practical Papal Catholicism' where the Pope has primacy of jurisdiction over each one of us. We join ranks with him for our own salvation; and after that, we join ranks with him in the battle for the life of the Church. . . . however one understands the last 20 years, something new has begun with Pope Benedict XVI and the tide has turned.
For 20 years we have been living in a state of necessity where we lacked authorisation for what we needed, particularly for the Heavenly Bread, confessions, marriages and religious professions. We did as we could. We presumed authorisation for everything we needed. It was not the best situation, but we did what we did because we could not see any other way of surviving.
Then Pope Benedict XVI noticed us and in a clear voice he announced through the Motu Proprio that the old Mass was authorised and that he would give us all that we need and more: Mass, Ritual, jurisdiction for Confessions, marriages, religious professions and the exclusive use of the 1962 Missal in our communities. It is clear that he knows that the war is not over since he is himself working at restoring all things in Christ. He calls us to answer his call and accept the bread he offers us in abundance from his open arms.
Fr. Michael Mary FSSR, Supplied Jurisdiction or Fresh Bread Through the Back Window, http://papastronsay.blogspot.com/2008/07/supplied-jurisdiction-or-fresh-bread.html

Kościół, ukazując powołanie małżonków do przeżywania aktu seksualnego jako spotkania z Bogiem, w wyjątkowy sposób podnosi jego godność. Ludzki akt miłości staje się święty obecnością Boga. To sakramentalne spotkanie z Jezusem Chrystusem wynosi małżonków ku niebu: uszlachetnia, oczyszcza, uświęca miłość ludzką.
[P]ożycie seksualne nie jest tylko aktem biologicznym, bo tak myślą ludzie przesiąknięci laicką kulturą. Akt seksualny małżonków angażuje również duchowy wymiar człowieka. [...] Staje się aktem w pełni ludzkim, gdy wyraża miłość coraz bardziej będącą darem z siebie, gdy odbywa się w małżeństwie „na dobre i na złe”, aż do końca życia.
Znak obecności Boga pośród kochających się małżonków jest bardzo konkretny i wyraźny i, co najważniejsze, pokazuje, że Bóg może działać w każdej chwili małżeńskiego życia. Taki znak tworzą sami małżonkowie poprzez swoje ciała. Jest to znak żywy. Cielesna bliskość małżonków tworzy widzialny znak ich wspólnoty, która jest powołana do stania się znakiem miłości i jedności. Małżonkowie tworzą znak obecności Boga, gdy są cieleśnie razem – gdy razem żyją pod jednym dachem, a nie są rozdzieleni przez wyjazd jednego z nich do pracy za granicę, gdy razem się modlą, gdy rozmawiają ze sobą, gdy pomagają sobie w codziennym życiu, choćby sprzątając mieszkanie, gdy się wspierają, pocieszają, gdy obdarzają się czułością, pieszczą się, współżyją seksualnie (śpią w jednym łóżku). Ten znak wymaga wypełnienia duchowego, aby był znakiem miłości, aby cielesne bycie razem stało się komunią – wspólnotą prawdziwej jedności małżeńskiej – duszą, sercem i ciałem.
Gdy małżonkowie umieją w wierze zinterpretować swoją miłość, wtedy jej różnorodne przejawy wyrażone poprzez ciało (pomoc, modlitwa, rozmowa, pieszczota, akt seksualny) stają się dla nich znakami sakramentalnymi, czyli znakami, poprzez które mogą rozpoznać obecność Boga przychodzącego do nich. Gdy żona czuje się kochana przez męża, może powiedzieć, że przez jego miłość (wyrażoną poprzez jego męskie ciało) sam Bóg przychodzi do niej i objawia jej swoją Miłość. Jeżeli mąż czuje się kochany przez żonę, to może uznać, że jest ona dla niego prawdziwym darem Boga, poprzez który Bóg zapewnia Go o swojej miłości i trosce. Miłości towarzyszy często krzyż, ale i on staje się drogą oczyszczenia człowieka i nauczenia go miłości.
Gdy patrzymy na małżeństwo z perspektywy odkupienia, wierzymy, że odkrycie tak rozumianego powołania jest zamysłem pełnego miłości i mądrości Boga. Tylko ta perspektywa budzi szacunek dla najstarszego powołania na świecie, objawionego ludziom już w raju.
Ksawery Knotz OFMCap, Obrona wiary katolickiej czy negacja sakramentu małżeństwa?, http://www.mateusz.pl/wdrodze/nr418/04.htm

I always want to add a prefix to this scrawl. "EDUCATE THE MASSES AND THEN smash the state".
I always come back to the phrase "IDEAS ARE ALSO WEAPONS" which in this context is best summed up in this excerpt from Voluntary Resistance (By Carl Watner) "Public buildings may be destroyed, public officials murdered, but such efforts will never bring about the destruction of the idea of the State. The State is a state of mind, an idea which cannot be harmed by violence. Ideas can only be attacked with better ideas." And we desperately need to use our public spaces to communicate such ideas.
Russell Higgs, Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will, http://www.flickr.com/photos/russell-higgs/227156040/
My blog gets its name from 1984, where Orwell painted perhaps one of the most fundamental necessities to freedom. "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four." Why is this important? Because it encompasses three necessities to freedom - the freedom to think the truth, to speak the truth, and to act on the truth.
How can one understand anything, for example, in a world where every answer is considered possible, and there are no wrong answers to questions, only different perspectives. Well, here's what I have to say: the freedom to be wrong is worthless without the freedom to be correct.
[J]ust because the majority has been convinced that 2 + 2 = 5, doesn't mean that I will silence my protests. I will continue to fight for 4 that I may remain free, and that I may inspire others to speak for the truth, and to act on it.
Alex Ramos, 2 + 2 = 4, http://freedom224.blogspot.com/2007/01/2-2-4.html

This document is intended to summarize the key backstory information behind the Deus Ex universe. It is comprised mostly of excerpts from the design documents of Deus Ex 1, with a few additions and modifications for the sake of maintaining consistency with the final game.
[M]uch of the backstory detailed below never made it into the final game. Some of the events described were intended to be missions (Texas, the space station, moon base, Mt. Weather; etc.), and a lot of that content either doesn't appear in Deus Ex or does so in glancing, fragmentary ways.
The year is 2052 and the world is an even more dangerous and chaotic place than it is today. Terrorists operate openly, killing thousands; drugs, disease, pollution and, of course, El Nino kill even more. The world's economies are close to collapse and the gap between the insanely wealthy and the desperately poor has grown to the size of the Grand Canyon. The media openly encourage the worst in mankind. Still, this is not just Another Grim Dystopic Post-Apocalyptic World™. Deus Ex is set "10 minutes before the apocalypse." There is still hope.
In the largest urban areas of the world . . . life is grim. A growing variety of drugs offers pleasure and ensures suffering to an ever larger user-base. Crime has become a larger problem than ever. At street level, cities like New York and Paris are little more than armed compounds where drug dealers and users prey on the powerless and vie with the poor for access to scant resources. The most committed among the urban rich have moved up or in, to the tops of whatever skyscrapers remain standing or to protected enclaves in places like New York's Central Park.
The government's main role seems to be to prevent the chaos of the streets from reaching the wealthy elite. The police become more and more aggressive (and less concerned with individual rights) with each passing day. . . . Supermarkets still offer food (though the selection may be limited and barter may work better than paper money).
Increasing terrorism is a matter of serious concern to both the urban rich, who look down on the world from on high, and to the suburbanites, who live in blessed isolation. In small, gated communities of luxurious single-family dwellings, life is good. These communities are often surrounded by somewhat larger developments constructed for support personnel. The gated communities are well-defended and tough to get into (unless you have appropriate clearance) and tougher still to survive in if you don't belong. Though most of the luxury communities are ultramodern, some are constructed to resemble medieval castles (which is, basically, what they are).
The key thing to realize about the world is that it is very much a world of "Haves" and "Have Nots." There's almost no middle class left. There's little left of the American Dream anywhere in the world. The rich and powerful are on top of the world. The poor and downtrodden live largely without hope of bettering their lot. The shrinking middle class lives under the control of governments (and conspirators it doesn't even know about).
[In the world of Deus Ex there are] three types of humans:
- Total humans consider themselves purse and are at the top of the heap. They need augmented humans but fear and distrust them. Most total humans don't even know nano-augmented humans exist.
- Mechanically augmented humans have their own airport security systems and have to register with government authorities. They are second-class citizens, looked down upon even by the non-augmented poor. There's no way a mechanically augmented human can pass for normal for very long. They're not allowed in certain locations and have separate facilities, ostensibly tailored to their unique needs but really as a way of controlling them.
- Nano-augmented humans are resented by their mechanically augmented brothers and sisters. They're as powerful as mechanically augmented humans but suffer none of the stigma associated with augmentation. They can pass through airport security and mingle with humans freely.
America is in a constant state of tension. The borders are guarded by the Armed Forces, customs is deadly serious, immigration laws have been tightened dramatically, and nationwide martial law seems imminent.
For well over a hundred years, Europe had been under the economic influence of the Illuminati (through the Bilderberg Group) and later became a financial satellite of Majestic 12 (think the European Monetary Union happened spontaneously?) Control of Europe's finances became a reality in 2003 when, following national elections, the UK adopted the European standard currency. With that event and the fall of NATO, the leaders of the conspiracy were able to turn economic control into political control.
Still, Majestic 12's influence is not all encompassing. Despite the collapse of NATO, the powers that be are still in the process of assembling a new coalition of nations. Meanwhile, the rise of chaos and civil war has fragmented the nations of Europe and made Majestic 12's goal of unification under a single coalition umbrella more difficult to achieve than expected.
Other than Mexico . . . South America hasn't changed much since the turn of the century. If anything, the continent is, as a whole, more prosperous than in the past. Though business is booming (much of it illegitimate) South America remains as fragmented in the 2050's as it was a hundred years earlier. Governments turn over regularly, through coup or election, but the average citizen who survived the ravages of disease hardly notices the difference. The poor remain desperately poor, the rich obscenely rich. It's as if government is irrelevant, as if some other force remains consistent though politicians come and go.
The African continent is beginning to emerge as a place of growth and change.
Over the last fifty years, many Hong Kong expatriates have moved to Africa, resulting in the establishment of thriving Afro-Asian communities. (Afro-Asian chic is spreading rapidly through the worlds of pop culture and fashion). Though it will never displace Hong Kong, the New Hong Kong section of Lagos, Nigeria, is one of the continent's most active, successful and chaotic cities -- not unlike Casablanca during World War 2.
Aside from a few small pockets of freedom (described as "anarchy" in Majestic 12 propaganda), like Lagos, Africa is almost entirely under the thumb of the conspirators as the game begins.
Essentially untouched by world events, China has emerged as a world leader, supplanting the United States and Europe as centers of education and industry.
Hong Kong, though a part of the Chinese/Majestic 12 empire, remains more chaotic than one might think. Though repression is extreme, the urge for freedom is strong and thriving black markets keep Hong Kong's tradition of free trade and entrepreneurism alive and well.
The Middle East has long been under the control of the Illuminati, and later, Majestic 12. These groups held the reins on international terrorists based in the region, and the Bilderberg Group controlled the oil companies that had a stranglehold on the regions finances.
With the successful pan-Arab invasion of Israel in 2022, Majestic 12 control of the region is total.
As far as life on other planets goes, we still haven't encountered any, at least none that can be acknowledged publicly -- rumors continue to abound that we were visited by aliens a century or more ago and the governments of the world are keeping it secret.
For centuries, the Illuminati pursued a plan to bring the world to its knees, and at long last, create One World Government. Over those hundreds of years, it grew, changed, added arms, subtracted arms, adapted to changing times, and made itself a driving force behind nearly every major event.
The Bilderberg Group controlled financial matters around the world through vast mining operations, control over the Federal Reserve Board, the Eurobank and the World Bank as well as through its stranglehold on the world's supply of gold.
Majestic 12 was the Illuminati's technology and communications leader. It doles out technological advances and stores those the world is not yet ready for (or those too powerful to give to potential enemies). It controls the supply of drugs -- licit and illicit and can introduce new diseases as it wishes (diseases for which it already has a cure ready and waiting, of course). Majestic 12 is also charged with influencing and, where possible, managing the world's intelligence organizations.
Satellite communications (phones, intercontinental computer links, television, etc.) proved little challenge -- other than some pirates, all of the media are under the control of Majestic 12. The Internet, particularly Internet 3, proved dicier. In this arena, Majestic 12 set up vast monitoring operations and used inefficient, old-fashioned strong-arm techniques to shut down content providers large and small who posted things they didn't want posted. Many a poster simply disappeared after a handful of dangerous messages.
These methods were effective only when Majestic-12 was prepared to expend significant resources over extended periods of time. They needed something better, more automated, more fundamental to the underlying communications grid. To this end, they created the Aquinas Protocol, a TCP/IP-like low-level packet-routing scheme. Through great media fanfare and government backing, they were able to build Aquinas into the backbone of almost every digital network on the planet, allowing them to physically route all global communications through a massive monitoring station underground at Area 51. Morpheus (still functioning at Everett's hideout in Paris), Daedelus, and finally Helios are successively more advanced manifestations of the automated surveillance, prediction, and enforcement made possible by Aquinas.
When Daedelus [A.I.] began sifting through the information on the Majestic 12 net, it quickly discovered two things of significance:
- It learned how grim a place the world was for most people -- what with war, disease, famine, poverty, crime -- and it seemed these problems were getting worse, not better, despite the existence of the secret societies theoretically in charge of the whole mess. In fact, the ruthlessness of world leaders -- their willingness to sacrifice millions of people, if that's what it took to achieve their goals -- seemed less than human to the inhuman Daedelus.
- It learned that the most recent and most deadly threat to mankind -- the Gray Death -- was of human origin. It wasn't a natural thing.
- Daedelus determined that solutions to these problems existed. Some of them depended on convincing or coercing the masses to curb their less noble impulses.
As similar as they are, J.C. and Paul have very different personalities -- Paul's more flamboyant, more out-going and far less serious. J.C. Denton worries a lot that his older brother, sharp as he is, will get himself in trouble someday because he isn't paranoid enough.
Deus Ex Team, DX1 Continuity Bible, http://archive.gamespy.com/articles/april02/dxbible/

Msgr. Camille Perl, Vice President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei (PCED) has recently responded with a letter dated May 23, 2008, to questions I invoked regarding the official canonical status of the Society of St. Pius X and those Catholics who attend their chapels to fulfill their Sunday obligation.
[Msgr. Camille Perl wrote:] Statements made by Cardinal Castrillón need to be understood in a technical, canonical sense. Stating that the Society of St. Pius X "is not in formal schism" is to say that there has been no official declaration on the part of the Holy See that the Society of St. Pius X is in schism. Up to now, the Church has sought to show the maximum charity, courtesy and consideration to all those involved with the hope that such a declaration will not eventually be necessary.
[T]he Masses offered by the priests of the Society of St. Pius X are valid, but illicit, i.e., contrary to Canon Law. The Sacraments of Penance and Matrimony, however, require that the priest enjoys the faculties of the diocese or has proper delegation. Since that is not the case with these priests, these sacraments are invalid.
While it is true that participation in the Mass at chapels of the Society of St. Pius X does not of itself constitute "formal adherence to the schism" (cf. Ecclesia Dei 5, c), such adherence can come about over a period of time as one slowly imbibes a schismatic mentality which separates itself from the teaching of the Supreme Pontiff and the entire Catholic Church. While we hope and pray for a reconciliation with the Society of St. Pius X, the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" cannot recommend that members of the faithful frequent their chapels . . . We deeply regret this situation and pray that soon a reconciliation of the Society of St. Pius X with the Church may come about, but until such time the explanations which we have given remain in force.
As we already stated to you in our letter of 4 July 2007: "This Pontifical Commission does its best to transmit responses which are in full accord with the magisterium and the present canonical practices of the Catholic Church. One should accept them with docility and can act upon them with moral certainty." We would further add that no dicastery of the Holy See will give other responses than those which we have given here.
Brian Mershon, PCED confirms officially: Society of St. Pius X within the Church, not in formal schism; Catholics commit no sin nor incur any canonical penalty for Mass attendance, http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/mershon/080711

I want to state that I do not condemn the position of the SSPX since it was our own position for 20 years. During most of these years, it is my opinion that I, personally, and traditional Catholics in general, tended to live a 'Practical Sedevacantist Catholicism'.
This means living the Catholic faith as if there were no Pope or hierarchy to whom we were bound to be submissive and from whom we were bound to receive authorisation for our activities. It is when we accept that he is the Pope in name alone, but practically we reduce his authority over us to nearly nothing at all. For example, when the Archbishop consecrated the four bishops against the explicit will of Pope John Paul II. I think that this was 'Practical Sedevacantist Catholicism' in action. When Catholic life had come to this state, jurisdiction is not even an issue. The issue was living to survive the madness that was infesting the Church. Was 'Practical Sedevacantist Catholicism' right or wrong? I cannot answer and I do not judge it. It was the way many of us survived.
From the moment one recognises Benedict XVI as truly the Pope, 'Practical Sedevacantist Catholicism' gives way to 'Practical Papal Catholicism'; it is inevitable. Even though there be a war raging about us in the Church, we still have to make the move towards the Barque of Peter by abandoning 'practical Sedevacantist Catholicism' for 'Practical Papal Catholicism' where the Pope has primacy of jurisdiction over each one of us. We join ranks with him for our own salvation; and after that, we join ranks with him in the battle for the life of the Church. . . . however one understands the last 20 years, something new has begun with Pope Benedict XVI and the tide has turned.
For 20 years we have been living in a state of necessity where we lacked authorisation for what we needed, particularly for the Heavenly Bread, confessions, marriages and religious professions. We did as we could. We presumed authorisation for everything we needed. It was not the best situation, but we did what we did because we could not see any other way of surviving.
Then Pope Benedict XVI noticed us and in a clear voice he announced through the Motu Proprio that the old Mass was authorised and that he would give us all that we need and more: Mass, Ritual, jurisdiction for Confessions, marriages, religious professions and the exclusive use of the 1962 Missal in our communities. It is clear that he knows that the war is not over since he is himself working at restoring all things in Christ. He calls us to answer his call and accept the bread he offers us in abundance from his open arms.
Fr. Michael Mary FSSR, Supplied Jurisdiction or Fresh Bread Through the Back Window, http://papastronsay.blogspot.com/2008/07/supplied-jurisdiction-or-fresh-bread.html

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